Conclusion from East-West Network´s meeting in Copenhagen 7-9 Nov. 2008 | Зеленый мир
The South Coast of the Gulf of Finland
Natural Values
and Harmful Installations
Concept of a decommission plan for old nuclear power reactors
Guiding Principles from Environmental NGOs

Conclusion from East-West Network´s meeting in Copenhagen 7-9 Nov. 2008

The East-West Network is an association of NGOs and left-wing parties from the East and West of Europe and the Nordic countries. The Network has existed for four years and is serving to facilitate and coordinate European green-left exchange and collaboration on subjects of common interest. The Network has so far focused on environmental issues, on gender equality, and labour market conditions, as well as on human rights. In these fields the Network has generated cross-national initiatives and international cooperation on political level and grass-roots level.

The East-West Network is an association of NGOs and left-wing parties from the East and West of Europe and the Nordic countries. The Network has existed for four years and is serving to facilitate and coordinate European green-left exchange and collaboration on subjects of common interest. The Network has so far focused on environmental issues, on gender equality, and labour market conditions, as well as on human rights. In these fields the Network has generated cross-national initiatives and international cooperation on political level and grass-roots level.

Place and time for next annual conference:

Place: To be decided by the planning group. The Belorussian exile University “European Humanitarian University” in Vilnius, Lithuania should be examined, as “Belarus in principle” with the Belarusian opposition parties hosting.

Time: Approximately November 2009. To be decided by the planning group.

Planning group until next annual conference:
Thomas Raeck, GUE-NGL (Die Linke, Germany), Bruxelles –
Alla Glinchikova, Social Forum, Moscow, Russia –
Berit Dahlström, GUE-NGL, V, VIF Sweden) Brux –
Eva Dragheim, SF/Greens-EFA, Denmark –
Mads Nikolajsen, Nordic Green Left Alliance, NGLA, Denmark –
Valiantsin Askirka, Belarusian Opposition/Social Democrats, Belarus –
Dariusz Szwed, Polish Green Party, Warzaw.

Webpage: English and Russian language.

Web-master: Alina Petropavlovska, For HumanRights in a United Latvia, PCTVL, Latvia
Mail to:


Network links will be on the webpage.
Reports referred to in the workshops and the conclusions will be on the webpage.

Keep “daily contact”. E-mail list will be distributed to all participants. It will not be on the web.
It is mportant to follow-up with information of on-going projects.

There is a proposal of making a Common Nordic Green-left campaign for the European Parliamentary elections for a directive for public service. should be included more in activities, they are highly competent, and active in most Eastern European countries.
Themes for next East-West Conference 2009: Proposals from plenary session on Sunday the 9th:

a. Dec 2009: Climate Summit in Copenhagen. Clever to continue in the energy and climate area.

b. Further cooperation between the Green movements and Trade Unions/social movements.

c. Nuclear energy, Safety systems in the nuclear industry, Poland, Belarus, Russia planning new NPP whereas Sweden and Germany are closing down. Belarus: Agriculture without chemicals

d. Financial crisis – future economical crisis – employment crisis and trade-union rights.

e. Select 1-2 transnational companies established in E-W Europe and invite trade-unionist from different countries working in the corporation.

f. EU court cases on labour market issues, and the fight against social dumping

g. Solidarity strategies towards the labour migration. Joint/coordinated actions.

x. The Gender perspective must be included in all themes

Final selection of themes: The planning group.


Keep “daily contact”

Development often comes from synthesis of thesis and antithesis. We are in the network too afraid of controversies in discussion. Rather speeches that are sharp and go deep, than pleasing everyone.
Introducers should send out (short) thesis/conclusions in advance, to prepare for discussion in the parties.

More countries to be invited. Rumania and Bulgaria was mentioned particularly.

Too little time for each subject. Fewer subjects and more in depth.

Workshops on different themes at the same time, instead of everyone taking part in every workshop team.

Thanks to the hosts and organizers for a well-arranged seminar

Minutes: Mads Nikolajsen, NGLA.